PlanetCNC TNG Linux installation guide

We used freshly installed Linux – Ubuntu MATE distribution for this guide. Please note that distributions differ one from another so these steps may not be suitable for all distributions and installation methods may vary.

1.) Start your Ubuntu MATE system.
UbuntuMate 64-bit-2017_UBuntuMATE_Start_01

2.) Using your web browser, download PlanetCNC TNG version from PlanetCNC download page: PlanetCNC TNG download page

UbuntuMate 64-bit-2017_DownloadTNG_02

Under download options choose “PlanetCNC TNG preview-Linux” and click
“Download” button:
UbuntuMate 64-bit-2017_DownloadTNG-SelectLinux_03

3.When download dialogue appears, select “Save File” and hit “OK” button:
UbuntuMate 64-bit-2017_Select folder_04

4.)When download is complete, click “Open folder” button:
UbuntuMate 64-bit-2017_DownloadComplete_05

5.) In “Downloads” folder, right click on downloaded file and click: “Extract To…”:
UbuntuMate 64-bit-2017_ExtractTo_06

6.)Extract dialogue will appear, click: “Create Folder” button:

UbuntuMate 64-bit-2017_ExtractToDirectory_07

7.) Type in the name of new folder: PlanetCNC
UbuntuMate 64-bit-2017_NameDirectory_08

UbuntuMate 64-bit-2017_PlanetCNC_Name_09

8.) Open PlanetCNC folder and click “Extract” button:
UbuntuMate 64-bit-2017_ExtractToPlanetCNC_Folder_10

9.) Extracted files will now populate PlanetCNC folder:
UbuntuMate 64-bit-2017_ExtractedFiles_12

10.) Right mouse click on blank space and click: “Open in Terminal”
UbuntuMate 64-bit-2017_Open_inTerminal_13

11.) Terminal window will appear:
UbuntuMate 64-bit-2017_PlanetCNCTerminal_14

12.) Write: sh
UbuntuMate 64-bit-2017_TerminalInstall_15

13.) Type in your root password and hit enter.
UbuntuMate 64-bit-2017_PasswordFor_16

14.) PlanetCNC TNG software will automatically launch

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